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Minggu, 05 Oktober 2008

Teknologi Komputer di Era Ke-Khilafah-an

Pada era kekhalifahan teknologi komputer analog dikuasai dan dikembangkan para insinyur Muslim. Sederet peralatan yang menggunakan prinsip komputer analog telah ditemukan para ilmuwan Islam.Ketika peradaban Islam menggenggam dunia,

para insinyur Muslim ternyata sudah menguasai teknologi komputer. Yang pasti, teknologi yang dikembangkan para saintis di zaman itu bukan komputer digital, melainkan komputer analog. Istilah komputer analog, menurut Wikipedia, digunakan untuk menggambarkan alat penghitung yang bekerja pada level analog lawan (dual) dari level digital.

Komputer analog pun kerap didefinisi - kan sebagai komputer yang mengolah da - ta berdasarkan sinyal yang bersifat kualitatif atau sinyal analog, untuk mengukur variabel-variabel, seperti voltase, kecepatan suara, resistansi udara, suhu, dan pengukuran gempa. Komputer ini biasanya digunakan untuk mempresentasikan suatu keadaan,seperti untuk termometer, radar, dan kekuatan cahaya. Cikal bakal penggunaan teknologi komputer analog telah mulai berkembang jauh sebelum Islam datang. Menurut para ahli, Antikythera Mechanism merupakanjavascript:void(0) komputer analog pertama yang digunakan peradaban manusia. Alat yang dikembangkan peradaban Yunani sejak 100 tahun SM itu, tak hanya digunakan untuk memprediksi pergerakan matahari dan bulan, tetapi digunakan juga untuk merencanakan Olimpiade.

Dengan menggunakan teknologi pemindai tiga dimensi, para ahli menemukan fakta bahwa alat yang terdiri atas cakra angka terbuat dari kuningan dan roda penggerak itu juga dipakai untuk menentukan tanggal Olimpiade. Pada salah satu roda penggerak alat itu, tergores kata-kata Isthmia, Olympia, Nemea, dan Pythia bagian dari pertandingan pendahuluan pada kompetisi Panhellic. Pada era kekhalifahan teknologi komputer analog dikuasai dan dikembangkan para insinyur Muslim. Sederet peralatan yang menggunakan prinsip komputer analog telah ditemukan para ilmuwan Islam. Alat-alat itu umumnya digunakan untuk beragam kegiatan ilmiah. Di zaman keemasannya, para astronom Muslim berhasil menemukan beragam jenis astrolabe.

Peralatan astronomi itu digunakan untuk menjawab 1001 permasalahan yang berhubungan dengan astronomi, astrologi, horoskop, navigasi, survei, penentuan waktu, arah kiblat, dan jadwal shalat. Menurut D De S Price (1984) dalam bukunya bertajuk, A History of Calculating Machines, Abu Raihan Al- Biruni merupakan ilmuwan pertama yang menemukan alat astrolabe mekanik pertama untuk menentukan kalender bulan-matahari. Astrolabe yang menggunakan roda gigi itu ditemukan Al-Biruni pada tahun 1000 M. Tak lama kemudian, Al-Biruni pun menemukan peralatan astronomi yang menggunakan prinsip komputer analog yang dikenal sebagai Planisphere sebuah astrolabe peta bintang. Pada tahun 1015 M, komputer analog lainnya ditemukan ilmuwan Muslim di Spanyol Islam bernama Abu Ishaq Ibrahim Al- Zarqali.

Arzachel, demikian orang Barat biasa menyebut Al-Zarqali, berhasil menemukan Equatorium alat penghitung bintang. Peralatan komputer analog lainnya yang dikembangkan A-Zarqali bernama Saphaea. Inilah astrolabe pertama universal latitude-independent. Astrolabe itu tak bergantung pada garis lintang pengamatnya dan bisa digunakan di manapun di seluruh dunia. Dua abad kemudian, insinyur Muslim terkemuka bernama Al-Jazari mampu menciptakan ‘jam istana’ (castle clock) sebuah jam astronomi. Jam yang ditemukan tahun 1206 M itu diyakini sebagai komputer analog pertama yang bisa diprogram. Jam astronomi buatan Al- Jazari itu mampu menampilkan zodiak, orbit matahari, dan bulan serta bentukbentuk bulan sabit.

Peralatan komputer analog lainnya berupa astrolabe juga ditemukan Abi Bakar Isfahan pada tahun 1235 M. Peralatan astronomi yang diciptakan astronom dari Isfahan, Iran, itu berupa komputer kalender mekanik. Ilmuwan Muslim lainnya bernama Al-Sijzi juga tercatat berhasil menemukan peralatan astronomi yang menggunakan prinsip kerja komputer analog. Alatnya bernama Zuraqi sebuah astrolabe heliosentris. Ibnu Samh astronom terkemuka di abad ke-11 M juga dicatat dalam sejarah sains Islam sebagai salah seorang penemu peralatan komputer analog berupa astrolabe mekanik. Seabad kemudian, ilmuwan Muslim serbabisa legendaris bernama Sharaf Al-Din Al-Tusi menciptakan astrolabe linear.

Pada abad ke-15 M, penemuan peralatan yang menggunakan prinsip kerja komputer analog di dunia Islam terbilang makin canggih. Ilmuwan Islam bernama Al- Kashi sukses menciptakan Plate of Conjunctions sebuah alat hitung untuk menentukan waktu dan hari terjadinya konjungsi planet-planet. Selain itu, Al- Kashi pun juga menemukan komputer planet: The Plate of Zones. Yakni, sebuah komputer planet mekanik yang secara nyata mampu memecah - kan sederet masalah terkait planet. Alat yang diciptakan pada abad ke-15 M ini juga dapat memprediksi posisi garis bujur matahari dan bulan secara tepat.

Tak cuma itu, peralatan astronomi ini juga mampu menentukan orbit planet-planet, garis lintang matahari, bulan dan planet-planet, serta orbit matahari. Semua penemuan itu membuktikan bahwa peradaban Islam menguasai teknologi di era kejayaannya. Padahal, pada masa itu masyarakat Barat berada dalam keterbelakangan dan kebodohan. Tak dapat dimungkiri lagi, jika sains dan teknologi merupakan kontribusi paling monumental yang diberikan peradaban Islam kepada dunia modern. Berkat sains yang berkembang di dunia Islam, peradaban Barat pun bisa keluar dari cengkeraman kebodohan. Berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan serta teknologi di dunia Islam telah membuat para pemikir Barat berdecak kagum.

Pencapaian terpenting di abad pertengahan adalah terciptanya semangat eksperimental yang dikembangkan peradaban Muslim, tutur Bapak Sejarah Sains, George Sarton, dalam bukunya, The Introduction to the History of Science. Oliver Joseph Lodge dalam The Pioneers of Science juga mengakui kehebatan peradaban Islam di masa keemasan. Menurut dia, peradaban Islam yang diwakili masyarakat Arab telah berhasil menghubungkan secara efektif antara sains yang baru dengan ilmu pengetahuan lama. Zaman kegelapan terjadi karena terjadinya jurang kesenjangan dalam sejarah sains Eropa. Sekitar seribu tahun tak ada aktivitas sains, kecuali di peradaban Islam, cetus Lodge.

Muhammad Iqbal dalam The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam menyatakan bahwa peradaban Islam yang berkembang di Arab berhasil mendorong berkembangnya sains dengan begitu pesat di saat Barat dikungkung kebodohan. Pada masa itu, umat Islam telah memperkenalkan metode eksperimental, observasi, dan pemikiran.

Insinyur Perintis Komputer Analog Modern
Al-Jazari (1136 M-1206 M) Bapak Teknik Modern. Begitu insinyur Mus - lim dari abad ke-12 M ini biasa dijuluki. Ia ada lah ilmuwan legendaris yang berhasil menemu kan sederet peralatan teknologi yang sangat monumental di zamannya. Selain dikenal dunia teknik modern sebagai ‘perintis robot’, Al-Jazari pun tercatat sebagai sarjana pertama yang men ciptakan komputer analog yang bisa diprogram.

Insinyur bernama lengkap Al-Shaykh Ra’is Al- A`mal Badi`Al-Zaman Abu Al-`Izz ibn Isma`il ibn Al-Razzaz Al-Jazari itu membuat komputer analog pertama yang bisa diprogram dalam bentuk Jam Istana. Sederet karya penting dalam bidang teknologi yang diciptakannya termuat dalam kitab Al-Jami `bayn al-`ilm wa ‘l- `amal al-nafi `fi sina `at al-hiya(Ikhtisar dan Panduan Membuat Berbagai Mesin Mekanik).

Risalah ini dinilai sebagai karya yang sangat penting dalam tradisi teknik mesin di dunia. Lewat karyanya itu, Al-Jazari juga telah meletakkan dasar kerja dalam sejarah teknologi. Tak heran, jika kitab teknologi yang ditulisnya itu mampu `menyihir’ dan membetot perhatian para ahli sejarah teknologi dan sejarawan seni dunia. Selain dikenal sebagai seorang penemu dan insinyur besar, dunia juga mengenalnya sebagai seorang seniman hebat.

Betapa tidak, dalam risalah fenomenal yang di - ciptakannya, secara gamblang dan lugas Al-Jazari melukiskan penemuannya dengan lukisan khas bergaya Islami era kekhalifahan. Lukisan miniatur dari karya-karya yang diciptakannya itu berisi pe - tun juk dan tata cara untuk membuat peralatan atau teknologi yang diciptakannya. Sehingga, me - mung kinkan setiap pembaca risalahnya untuk me - rangkai dan membuat beragam penemuannya itu.

Jamshid Al-Kashi
Tiga abad selepas wafatnya Al-Jazari, dari Kashan, Iran, muncullah seorang insinyur dan astronom terkemuka bernama Jamshid Al- Kashi. Ia tumbuh besar ketika Timur Lenk, penguasa Dinasti Timurid, menguasai tanah kelahirannya. Kemiskinan tak mampu mematahkan semangatnya untuk belajar. Matematika dan astronomi adalah dua bidang studi yang sangat menarik perhatian dan minatnya. Perekonomian di tanah kelahirannya mulai pulih ketika Dinasti Timurid dipimpin Shah Rukh. Sang pemimpin baru itu mendukung dan mendorong berkembangnya ekonomi, seni, dan ilmu pengetahuan.

Di kota kelahirannya, Al-Kashi dengan serius mempelajari dan mengkaji astronomi. Pada 1 Maret 1407 M, dia berhasil merampungkan penulisan risalah astronomi berjudul, Sullam Al-Sama. Naskahnya hingga kini masih tetap eksis. Pada tahun 1410 M, ia kembali berhasil menyelesaikan penulisan buku Compendium of the Science of Astronomy. Buku tersebut ditulis dan didedikasikan secara khusus untuk penguasa Timurid.

Al-Kashi telah berjasa menemukan peralatan yang menggunakan prinsip kerja komputer ana - log. Ia berhasil menciptakan Plate of Conjunc - tions sebuah alat hitung untuk menentukan waktu dan hari terjadinya konjungsi planet-pla net. Ia juga sukses menciptkan komputer pla net: The Plate of Zones. Yakni, sebuah kompu -ter planet mekanik yang secara nyata mampu me mecahkan sederet masalah terkait planet.(muslimdaily.net/rofx/ks)


Selasa, 30 September 2008

The Desktop External Hard Drive

Desktop external hard drives are normally 3.5" hard drives mounted in a larger enclosure than its portable counterpart. The enclosure may also have fans integrated to assist in keeping the drive cool during operation, which extends the life of the disk drive

The desktop external hard drive is designed with storage capacity in mind, rather than portability. Common desktop hard drives boast 500GB of storage, which would have been unbelievable only a few years ago. In fact, the storage capacity of these drives currently go to 1TB (TeraByte) and above.

These type of external hard drives are still portable in a sense, i.e., you can still unplug them and transport them. They often come with a separate power supply, which can be vital when you are transfering lots of data, as it maintains a constant current independant of the computer's USB power supply


Selasa, 23 September 2008

The Portable External Hard Drive

Portable external hard drives are usually 2.5" hard drives (laptop hard drives) in a slimline enclosure, making them easy to carry. Although they are portable, they are not unbreakable and extra care is needed

while transporting them, for example, don't put them in your back pocket and then sit down!
The portable external hard drive is commonly "USB Powered", which means you don't have to carry a separate power supply unit
around with you. The only downside to this, is that the available current (power) is limited to the computer it is attached to.

This may not seem like a big problem, but if you have many other USB powered devices connected to the same computer (especially when connected to a laptop/notebook), then you will find the USB powered external hard drive will not perform optimally.

Some of the portable external hard drives that are available come with a separate USB power cable, which provides an extra power boost to the hard drive if required.


Rabu, 10 September 2008

What is an External Hard Drive?

An external hard drive is the same type of hard drive as you would find inside a PC or laptop, except that it is mounted in a separate enclosure. It can be used to store information (data) permanently or temporarily, in the same way as a computer's hard drive.

External hard drives (the actual drive itself) come in two main sizes (physical size), 2.5" and 3.5". The 2.5" drives are the same as you would find in a laptop computer, whereas the 3.5" drives are identical to hard drives found in desktop PCs. The difference is in the interface that connects the external hard drive to your computer.

Usually external hard drives connect to the computer via a USB/Firewire cable, most modern operating systems will automatically recognise the hard drive as a storage device, and assign it a drive letter.

The fact that external hard drives are simply placed in an enclosure, means you can usually change the actual hard drive itself without too much effort. This allows you to swap drives between enclosures, so you only have to buy one enclosure for many drives (of the same type).


Senin, 01 September 2008

computer generasi 2

In the year 1948, the findings influence the development of the transistor computer. Transistors replace vacuum cleaner tube in television, radio, and computers. As a result, the size of electrical machinery decreased dramatically.

Transistors used in the start in the computer start in 1956. The findings in the form of the development of magnetic-core memory to help the development of second generation computers smaller, faster, more reliable, and more energy efficient than the preceding. The first engine that utilizes this new technology is superkomputer

IBM makes superkomputer named Stretch, and Sprery create computer-Rand called LARC. Komputerkomputer this, which was developed for atomic energy laboratories, could handle a large amount of data, a capability that is needed by researchers atom. Machine is very expensive and tend to be too complex for the computing needs of business, limiting the kepopulerannya. There are only two LARC has ever installed and used: one at the Lawrence Livermore Labs radiation, California, and the other in the U.S. Navy Research and Development Center in Washington DC Second-generation computers replaced machine language with assembly language. Assembly language is a language that uses abbreviations-singakatan to replace the binary code.

In the early 1960s, computers began to appear a second-generation success in business, in universities and in government. Computers this is a second generation of computers that use the full transistor. They also have components that can be associated with the computer at this time: a printer, floppy disks in the storage, memory, operating system and programs.

One important example of this computer is the IBM 1401 which is widely accepted in the industry. In 1965, almost all large businesses use computers to process the second generation of financial information.

Program stored in the computer and programming language that is in it to give flexibility to the computer. This flexibility to improve performance with a reasonable price for business use. With this concept, the computer can print the invoice and the purchase of consumer product design and then run or the payroll. Some programming languages began to appear at that time. Programming language Common Business-Oriented Language (Cobol) and Formula Translator (FORTRAN) start public use. Programming language is machine code that replaces the complex with the words, sentences, and math formulas more easily understood by humans. This is easier for someone to manage the computer and memprogram. Various new pop careers (programmer, Analyst, and computer systems expert). Software industry also began to appear and develop during the second generation of this computer

Senin, 11 Agustus 2008

Using Desktop Backgrounds to Enhance the Look of your Computer

Desktop backgrounds offer a great a way for you to stylishly display your desktop for others as well as yourself to see. After all, if all you have on your computer's desktop are boring, plain and standard backdrops then chances are that you will get bored of them very quickly, I can assure you. There are loads of places online where you can get and download amazing 2D as well as 3D backgrounds. Animalistic backgrounds have

become really popular in the past couple years, since they offer a really in-depth look at these wonderful, beautiful creatures of the wild. For some reading aficionados you might find that book backgrounds are the best! If you are a fan of the Lord of the Rings trilogy then perhaps you might find a desktop background that's based on the popular film book to be more to your liking.

Online you will find tons of sites that offer 100% free desktop wallpaper backgrounds. What's nice about these desktop backgrounds (aside from the fact that they are free) is the fact that you can find topics on literally anything! Topics such as celebrities, movie stars, sexy models, aircrafts, animals, anime, boats, cars, entertainment, motorcycles, nature, people, space, video games, athletics and athletes, technology and literally every single type of sports game known to man!!

There is literally something for everyone here, so you can be rest assured that you'll never encounter any problems with finding a different type of desktop background to fit your particular mood, etc. The scenic/nature shots are really breathe taking, offering the finest in photography right there on your desktop! This is perfect if you are into photography, because seeing these fantastic shots each and every day might just get your creative juices running to how they need to be running for you to take truly professional and very highly creative shots yourself the next time you pop out the camera for a test run.

Sci-fi enthusiasts will just love the amount of sci-fi backgrounds for their desktops that they can find online. Are you a movie fanatic? Then you might just fall in love with the amount of truly amazing movie shots that you can get online as desktop backgrounds!

The choices and selections of desktop backgrounds are simply amazing and very , incredibly vast. You might get lost at how much truly amazing backgrounds are available for your computer's desktop. This is great news, especially if you like looking at new images very often, or if you get sick of the same old, monotonous image viewing each and every day.

So whatever your passion is really , you must and will find the perfect desktop background to satisfy your visual sensations. There are even funny backgrounds and also some psychedelic backgrounds that truly play with your mind if you view them for too long!

The illusion backgrounds are great for if you want to play tricks on your mind. It's kind of like seeing something that's not really there. Whatever desktop background you choose , you can be sure that you'll get many choices to choose from really!


Minggu, 10 Agustus 2008

A Brief Information Guide About Audio Codecs

Audio codecs are defined as software applications of hardware devices (with the same kind of software) that can compress audio files and then decompress them. In fact, the codecs used for compression and decompression work with opposite principles, but they are quite similar to each other in the manner of their working

The formats used by audio formats are any applicable digital audio formats that are commonly used. For transmission over the Internet, codecs can also compress and convert files into streaming audio formats.

The word 'codec' is derived from coding-decoding, which is what a codec does. It first codes the digital data into a small compressed form and then plays back the data by reconverting it into the original form.

Audio Codecs – How do they work?

Audio codecs work with the principle of audio compression. This is a process of reducing the size of an audio file so that it is covered within as few bits of data as possible. The idea is to remove all unnecessary sound bits and bundle them into a smaller format so that they are compressed. When the file needs to be played back, a decoding system is put into play which can expand the files again so that they can be played.

Lossless and Lossy Audio Codecs

There are two types of compression that audio codecs can perform. Based on that, they are called as lossless and lossy audio codecs.

Lossless audio codecs retain a copy of the original audio files before converting them, so that any kind of qualitative or quantitative loss becomes reversible. However, this also increases the size of the file even after compression. It is difficult to have a lossless audio codec that can compress an audio file below 50 to 60% of its original size.

Lossy audio codecs are those that do not retain any previous information. They compress the audio to the smallest size possible and transmit them where they are decoded to a playable size. However, there is a danger of loss of data because of the fact that there is no backup created. The brighter side of this is that lossy audio compressed files are substantially smaller in size. These can easily compress the files to 5 to 20% of their original size.

Today, most audio codecs available in the market are of the lossy type. Though they will cause a deterioration of the quality of the file, they are good for online transmission and even storing on discs. For that reason, people prefer lossy audio codecs over the lossless ones.

Audio Codecs – The Tradeoff

There is always a compromise involved when audio codecs are used. It is not possible to predict in advance how these files will be compressed and whether they will play at good quality upon being decompressed or not. This is especially because most codecs used today are lossless. Though this becomes ideal for sending digitally compressed audio files over the Internet, they also mar the original quality of the recording. Hence, these audio codecs are used only sparingly and only in areas that really require them.


Sabtu, 09 Agustus 2008

Using Wallpaper to Dress up your Computer

When deciding on getting a new desktop
wallpaper for your computer
, it's important to realize that there are literally tons of different types of wallpaper to choose from! You might even get overwhelmed at the choices really, but nonetheless it should be fairly easy for you to choose a right category, from the literally millions of choices available to you online!

Whether you like animals, cars, airplanes,

disaster pictures, or nature pictures, the choices for choosing really beautiful and scenic desktop wallpaper are endless really.

If you are into celebrities and famous people then that's also another area of desktop wallpapers that as an unlimited amount of choices! Everything from Angelina Jolie, to Michael Jackson, to Heath Ledger and even celebrity models such as Tyra Banks can be found online. Aside from them being totally, 100% free, desktop wallpapers can provide you with a truly ingenius selection of really impressive quality photos.

What's more, you'll be able to find also games, sports, holidays, products, vehicles, miscellaneous, TV and movies, arts, places and anime and cartoon related desktop wallpaper all over the net, free for the taking.

If you are very much ADHD-ish and constantly feel the need for a change in your life, then changing your desktop wallpaper will be a great way for you to keep your mind mentally accelerated with the different pictures and themes, etc.

Desktop wallpapers can be found on literally millions of sites online, so you can be sure that you will never, ever get bored of the images that you display on your desktop! There is a huge need for changing desktop wallpapers as humans are ever evolving and constantly feel a deep need for change. This is why it's so popular to most individuals that need this fix, for them to find a website that has many different desktop wallpapers available to them so that they can truly satisfy their wallpaper cravings!

As long as you can keep your desktop wallpaper fresh,then there is no need to ever worry about boring, stagnant images popping up on your desktop every morning that you wake up to turn on your computer. For individuals that appreciate more adult art,there are even x-rated and r-rated pictures that can be included as desktop wallpaper. The possibilities for truly artistic desktop wallpaper art are truly endless and you can be sure that you will never ever get bored of the choices that you can choose from!

There are even popular book art wallpapers that are originated from real books such as the Lord of the Rings trilogy,etc. This is great news for any Lord of the Rings fans that want a desktop wallpaper of their favorite books instead of a graphical image perhaps. If fantasy and fairy tales are more your kind of thing then there are also terrific fantasy sections available on the net also. Here, you can find items such as dragons and any other kind of fantasy stuff you can possibly imagine! What's more,if you like flowers, there's a huge wide array of flower selections to choose from. Either way you can be sure that you will find some desktop wallpapers that you'll truly love on the Internet!


Kamis, 07 Agustus 2008

After Testing with QTP or LoadRunner, Manage your tests with HP- Quality Center

Introduction to Quality Center:
Quality Center is a versatile tool brought out by HP, for managing the complete application testing process. When we say the management of the application testing process; it includes the process of customizing the test project, defining the releases, specifying requirements, planning of tests, execution of tests, tracking of defects, issuing of

alerts on changes, and finally analyzing the results.
It should not be misunderstood as a tool for testing the functionality of the applications. Not being a testing tool as such, it does not use any scripting language. Or in other words, we can’t write or execute any script in Quality Center.

Quality center can be used to write functions in such way that enables us to open the Test script in a performance-testing tool like QuickTest Professional and when desired, we can save it in Quality center.

Key Features of Quality Center:

Following features render Quality Center as a most versatile test management tool.

1) Maintains a Common Repository
2) Offers Automatic Traceability Matrix
3) Excellent Bug Tracking facility
4) Offers Automatic Reports and Graphs generator

How to use the Quality Center:

Broadly we can bifurcate our process of using Quality Center into following four Modules or phases.

1) Requirements Module
2) Test Planning Module
3) Test Execution Module
4) Defects Management Module

1) Requirements Module:
It comprises of clear identification & validation of all functional and performance requirements expected to be tested in our application. These requirements, once described with ample clarity provide the test team a solid foundation on which the entire testing process is based. The process involves listing out the entire Primary or Main Requirements (Say MR1, MR2, Mr3 etc.) along-with sub-requirements or Child Requirements (Say CR1, CR2, CR3 etc.).

For the entire Requirement identified above, a Test is planned. For Manual Testing, the term “Test” refers to creation of a Test Case, while for an Automated Testing, the term “Test” refers to creation of a Test Script.

Requirements Module of Quality Center offers facility of defining two types of Requirements Like
1) Defining New Requirement
2) Defining New Child Requirement

The Requirement module displays the information through following fields:

1) Author: Displays the user name of the person who created the requirement. By default, this is the login user name.

2) Comments: Displays the comments about the requirement.

3) Creation Date: Means the date on which the requirement was created. By default, the creation date is set to the current database server date.

4) Creation Time: Means the time at which the requirement was created. By default, the creation time is set to the current database server time.

5) Description: A description of the requirement.

6) Direct Cover Status: The current status of the requirement. Various types of requirement status can be like Not Covered, Failed, Not Completed, Passed, No Run, N/A, Not direct cover etc. By default, the status is Not Covered.

7) Modified: Indicates the date the requirement was last changed.

8) Name: The requirement name.

9) Old Type: The type of obsolete requirement.

10) Priority: The priority of the requirement, ranging from low priority (level 1) to urgent priority (level 5).

11) Product: The component of the application on which the requirement is based.

2) Test Plan Module:
It comprises of the prime activity i.e. creation of clear and concise Test Plans in line with the requirements formulated in the Requirements Phase. A nicely prepared test plan enables us to assess the quality of our application at any point in the testing process. Before proceeding ahead, with the help of Traceability Matrix, it is ensured that all the requirements have been duly addressed in the Test Plans.

Addressing all the requirements, various Test Plans are created either manually or automatically.

The process involves following key steps:

a) Creation of a folder
b) Creation of an empty test.
c) Launching of the available functional testing tool like HP – Quickest Professional etc.
d) Creation of the Test Scripts.
e) Saving the Test Script in the empty script file already created.
f) Repetition of above steps till creation of test plans covering all the test requirements gets completed.

For maintaining an automatic traceability, it is essential that the tests in the test plan meet our original requirements. Hence links are added to keep track of the relationship between our requirements and the tests.

A test can cover more than one requirement, and a requirement can be covered by more than one test, hence linking can be done accordingly. We can link requirements and tests to the defects. This can help you ensure compliance with our testing needs throughout the testing. If a requirement changes, we can immediately identify which tests and defects are affected, and who is responsible for it.

3) Test Lab Module:
As the application undergoes changes, the manual and automated tests are run in our project with a view to identify the areas of defects and make judgement on the product quality.

The flow of this module is as under

a) Creation of Test Sets: A test set is a group of tests in a Quality Center project designed for achieving some particular testing objectives. The process begins with the identification of all the end-to-end scenarios, followed by creation of individual test Sets for every such end-to-end scenario.

After creating the test sets, tests set folders are created and assigned to development and QA cycles based on the project timeline.

b) Scheduling Test Runs: Quality Center enables us to control the execution of tests in a test set. We can set conditions, and schedule the date and time for executing our tests.

We can define the sequence in which to execute the tests. For example, we can define to run “test2” only when “test1” has finished, and run “test3” only if “test1” has passed.

c) Running of the Tests: After defining the test sets, we are ready to execute the tests. We can select all the tests in a test set, or some specific tests. Our selection can include both automated and manual tests. We can run either a single test or all the tests in the test set.

# Running Tests Manually: When we run a test manually, we execute the test steps defined by us during test planning stage. We declare a step either pass or fail according to the fact whether the actual results of the application matched the expected output or not.

# Running Tests Automatically: While running an automated test, the selected testing tool opens automatically, runs the test, and exports the test results to Quality Center. When we run a manual test, an e-mail is automatically sent to the specific tester, prompting to run the manual test.

d) Analyzing Test Results: After a test run, the test results are analyzed to identify the failed steps and to determine whether a defect has been detected in our application, or if the expected results of our test need to be updated. In case a defect gets detected, we can create a new defect and link it to the test run, or link an already-existing defect with the test run.

After the test execution gets finished the results can be analyzed through the Functional Testing Tool itself (like QuickTest Professional). The identified defects can be directly posted through the QuickTest Professional itself, alternatively the Defects Module of HP Quality Center can be used.

4) Defects Module:
This module is like a Bug Tracking Tool and helps us in reporting the design flaws in our application. This provides all the facilities to manage the defects like adding of defects, changing the status of defects and analyzing the defects etc.

a) Adding Defects: When a defect is found in the application, it is submitted to the Quality Center project. The project stores the defect information and it can be accessed by the authorized users only say like the members of the development, quality assurance, and support teams. This new defect can be associated with the cycle and release in which it was detected. The new defect can be associated with the test we ran, for future reference

b) Reviewing New Defects: During this stage we decide as to which defects needs to be fixed. The project manager usually performs this task. Here we change the status of a new defect to “Open”, and assign it to the concerned member of the development team for fixing.

c) Repairing Open Defects: This involves identifying the cause of the defects, modifying and rebuilding the application. Application developers perform such activities. When a defect is repaired, we assign it the status “Fixed”.

d) Testing a New Application Build: Involves running of the tests on the new or 2nd build of the application. If the defect does not come up again, we assign it the status “Closed”. However If the defect is detected again, we assign it the status “Reopen”, and it is returned to the previous stage. The quality assurance manager or project manager usually performs this task. Doing testing on 2nd build on wards is called Re-Testing or Regression testing.
Repeated testing from the Test Lab Module to Defects Module is carried out till all the defects get fixed.

e) Analyzing Defect Data: View data from defect reports to see how many defects were resolved, and how many still remain open.

Interconnectivity of Quality Center & QuickTest Professional (QTP):

Applications can be tested using following two ways:

1) Through QuickTest Professional: By defining path for Quality Center while being in QuickTest Professional.

2) Through Quality Center: By launching QuickTest Professional while being in Quality Center.

Senin, 04 Agustus 2008

Effective EMR Software For Single and Small Medical Practices

ingle and small medical practices need all the help they can get when it comes to managing the practice. Employing more staff won't solve the problem of operational efficiency and effectiveness as the practice continues to grow. Doctors
must learn to turn to technology, and harness the benefits of powerful software to help run their practices.

And that is exactly what thousands of small medical practices have done. By utilizing EMR (Electronic Medical Records) or

PM (Practice Management) software, small practices have managed to reduce costs, and increase their profit margins. Software has allowed the practices to grow and scale, while keeping everything ship shape. This is, by no means, an easy feat. Consider the activities that is happening in a medical practice during a normal working day.

Staff has to work with an increasing number of patient records. Small practices used to manage such records manually, which is doable while the practice is still small. But as the number of patients increases, it can be a nightmare to store and retrieve records.

The practice also depends very much on patient appointments for revenues. That means patients must turn up for medical appointments before any revenue is made. Often, appointments are being missed for various reasons. Patients may forget about a scheduled appointment that is 6 months ahead. Without proper management software, there is no way staff can remind the patients to come for appointments.

Then there is the issue of expected revenues and realized revenues. To make business related decisions for the practice, doctors used to rely on unreliable financial information. A lot of decisions are made based on guesswork. In other words, they perceive that the business is having a healthy cash flow. But expected revenues is very different from actual revenues. Bill collection poses a constant problem to many medical practices. Patients forget to pay bills, claims are not filed on time, etc. This affects the cash flow of the practice.

To manage the practice properly, it is wise to invest in a comprehensive suite of EMR software. Such software can help schedule appointments, keep patient records organized, help with bill collections, and increase the overall efficiency of the entire business.

So far, this is just from the perspective of the practice. What about the perspective of the patient?

Patients will find that the medical practice is more professionally, and they will appreciate staff members calling them up and reminding them of upcoming appointments. If there is a need to go for a medical appointment, it is in their best interest to show up for the appointments. Otherwise, they may fail to follow through on the healing plan that the doctor has mapped out for him or her. In other words, EMR software helps the practice offer higher quality medical practices. Even if a practice has no intention to grow as a business, patients have learned to expect better medical care with the help of modern technology.

For the above reasons, many medical practices have chosen to upgrade the applications that they are currently using


Sabtu, 02 Agustus 2008

Medical Appointment Scheduling - Affordable and Comprehensive Software

MAS, or Medical Appointment Scheduling software, helps single and small medical practices manage patient appointments. There are many benefits when it comes to utilizing technology. For instance, the practice enjoys increased productivity, higher customer loyalty, and increased revenues. In this case, it is not only the practice that gets to enjoy all the benefits. The patients get better medical care too. It's a win-win situation.

Often, there are

several factors that cause doctors to be resistant to installing appointment scheduling software. Some worry that the licensing fees can be too expensive. For sure, this is an undue worry because there are always various licensing options available, even for the smallest medical practice. These options are available to suit the different needs of different practices. They also allow practices to upgrade their licensing according to the growth of the practice. Hence, there is no need to worry about the fees. When the practice is small, fees are highly affordable.

Here is an example. Let's say your organization has only 4 people. At any one time, the maximum number of people accessing the software is 4. That means you only have to pay for 4 licenses. It does not matter if you have 10 or 20 computers. You can install the software in all your computers with only 4 licenses. This leads to lower licensing fees.

Not only are the fees affordable, the features are also quite comprehensive. For example, you can easily synchronize your appointment scheduling software with your Quickbooks(R) software so that data remains consistent across the board. Also, the software has HIPAA security, which means that you don't have to worry about compliance issues.

Some doctors do not believe in using technology. They still have the mindset that there is no need for such software. They can keep track of their appointments manually. However, the manual method has been proven to be highly inefficient, and it is common sense that the practice cannot scale beyond a certain limit. Without the help of technology, the practice will hit its ceiling very soon. When that happens, it is very difficult to help more patients - the practice is stuck.

Sometimes, resistance to change may be caused by fear of technology. The worry is that staff has to be tech savvy, and doctors have to be kept on their toes at all times due to technological changes. But this belief is flawed because software publishers usually take care of everything - from product development to providing regular product upgrades. There is no need for doctors to worry about these issues. Leave them to the professionals. So far, it appears that they are doing an excellent job. Scheduling software in the market place today are designed to be easy to use, customizable, flexible, and stable.

In addition, support is just round the corner. All you have to do, is to make a quick phone call and a trial version of the software will be setup to work with your existing software. You can experience for yourself, first hand, the ease and convenience of using appointment scheduling software.

Rabu, 09 Juli 2008

5 Reasons For Owning A USB Flash Drive

There have been a number of wonderful inventions during the 20th and 21st century. Some of these creations have been both massive and minute. Very few of mankinds modern creations have revolutionized working life so much as the USB flash drive though. Ok now that might seem a bit much for some people but the reality remains the same - USB flash drives have made the working lives of millions of office workers, teachers, students, IT and other professionals massively more simpl

If you already one (or a few) USB flash drives then you'll know just how incredibly useful they are. If you don't already own at least one USB memory stick then hopefully this article will help convince you of their absolute usefulness in both your working and personal life.

So what's so great about USB flash drives?


Prior to the creation of USB flash drives all external storage devices for computers were either bulky or awkward (dozens of blank discs for example) or sometimes an annoying combination of being both bulky and awkward. USB flash drives are also called Thumb Drives because they're about the size of your thumb (although some are much smaller now) and you can easily fit several gigabytes of data in your jeans or shirt pocket thus eliminating the bulky and awkward factor straight away.


USB flash drives are about the single most portable data backup device possible. They don't require an external power source of any kind, nor do you need any cables or tools to set them up and last but not least they don't require any additional software to be installed for them to work on any modern computer (Windows XP, 2000 and Vista and most Macs) so you can quite literally pick them up and use them anywhere you want.


Once the data is stored on a USB flash drive you can rest assured that it's going to stay there and be there when you next need it. This is totally unlike the world of floppy disks or rewriteable CD/DVD discs where they can just stop working for no apparent reason. Flash drives were built to provide consistent and reliable performance. Most of these drives come with built-in write protection to prevent you from overwriting your own important data - if you were silly enough to do so.


For years people fiddled with boxes of floppy disks and CDs/DVDs. These were bulky, easily lost and easily damaged. External hard drives also provided another method of transporting data between systems but the smallest jolt was and is enough to kill an external hard disk stone dead. USB flash drives are based on what's called Solid State Memory - this simply means that it's the same as standard computer memory in that it has no moving parts and is therefore almost impossible to damage (except for jumping up and down on it or maybe hitting it with a hammer for example. Please don't test either of these theories at home!)

Mass Storage

The first USB thumb drives only offered between 16MB and 64MB of storage space. The incredible popularity of these drives has driven the desire for more and more storage space to new heights every few months. Currently 8GB USB drives are becoming pretty common and it won't be long before the 12GB and 24GB models hit the market. To put this in perspective 8GB is enough to hold 2 full DVD quality movies or about 2,700 high quality MP3 files - surely this is enough for you? No?

The portability of the USB flash drive combined with reliability and the more than generous storage provided by such a tiny device make them the smart choice for anyone who needs to move files between PCs or simply just keep a second copy of their most precious data on a secure and reliable storage device.


Sabtu, 05 Juli 2008

Headphone Terminology

To find the right headphones for yourself, it’s best to know the basic features. Listed below are the most important terms you will need to consider before finding the perfect pair of headphones.

Even at its very best, headphone bass is

never the sort of pants-flapping, sock-it-to-your-gut experience you literally feel from massive speakers or subwoofers. Those systems' bass is as much felt by your body as heard by your ears. Earbuds are tiny and portable, but, except for a couple of high-end models, they can't compete with full-size, over-the-ear headphones for deep bass response or visceral dynamic range. As with speakers, headphones need at least 10 hours of vigorous use before they sound their best.

Sealed or open?

Sealed headphones (the noise-isolating, in-ear models or the full-size ear-cup designs) acoustically isolate your ears from your environment. Of course, the degree of isolation varies from one pair of headphones to another, and the seal limits the leakage of the headphone's sound out to the room. Sealed models are ideal for private listening, where you don't want the sound to be heard by other people. Open headphones, such as foam ear-pad models and many sports designs, are acoustically transparent and allow outside sound to be heard by the headphone wearer, and a good deal of the headphone's sound will be audible to anyone near the listener.

Sealed headphones block outside noise.

Open-backed headphones allow external noise to reach your ears.

Generally speaking, such headphones produce better, more "open" and speakerlike sound than sealed designs. Precisely because they don't block out everything from the outside world, open-backed headphones are recommended for outdoor activities, such as jogging, that require awareness of your environment.

Comfort and weight

Assessing sound quality is always a subjective exercise, but the only way to judge comfort is to put on a set of 'phones and listen for at least 10 minutes. Do the ear pads exert too much pressure on your ears? Headphones that enclose or cover your ears can get uncomfortably hot, but you'll have to wear them for a while to find out. Some of the bigger sealed models with cushy leatherette pads are the worst offenders. Pro-style headphones are comparatively bulky and can feel uncomfortably heavy after hours of use. Lighter headband-style headphones are almost always more comfortable than heavier ones. And even if they're not, they're less of a hassle to carry around.


There's no reason a headphone should be treated as disposable technology. Unlike almost everything else in the realm of consumer electronics, this year's headphones won't be obsolete six months or a year from now. In fact, there's no reason a good pair of headphones can't last for the better part of a decade. Be sure to assess the build quality of your prospective headphones. Some earbuds and portable headphones are relatively fragile, for instance. If the headphones fold up for easy storage, are the hinges robust, or will they fall apart in a month or two? And consider that the ear pads and earbuds will get extensive wear and tear over the life of the headphones; while some models incorporate replaceable ear pads or ear tips, most do not.


Earbuds and lithe portables travel well, but those styles and ergonomics aren't for everyone. Despite their relative bulk, many airline travelers prefer large, full-size headphones that fully cover the ears. But some larger headphones travel more easily than others. Frequent flyers will want to look for collapsible headbands and folding ear cups when seeking out larger headphone models. Similarly, many headphones include customized carrying cases, which travel better than, say, wrapping your headphone cables around your iPod.

Cable dressing and length

Most stereo headphones have just one cable, usually attached to the left earpiece. Some models, and all earbuds, use a Y-cable that connects to both earpieces (double-sided). The actual cable plug, meanwhile, is usually one of two designs: a straight I-plug or an angled L-plug; the latter may be useful if your portable player has a side- or bottom-mounted headphone jack.

Single-sided headphone cables cut wire clutter in half.

Double-sided headphone cables can be tangle-prone.

Preferences for the length of headphone cables vary for portable users, especially depending on where you prefer to wear your device: a backpack or a pants pocket necessitates a longer cable, while you'll opt for a short one when wearing a player on a neck lavalier or an armband. But a cable length at either extreme need not be a fatal flaw: extension cables can lengthen those that are too short, and cable wraps can tighten up ones that are too long.

Frequency response

Frequency-response specifications in full-size loudspeakers are generally pretty useless in predicting sound quality, but headphone frequency-response numbers are even worse. Manufacturers have routinely exaggerated frequency-response figures to the point that they're irrelevant. Even the flimsiest, cheap headphones routinely boast extremely low bass-response performance, 15Hz or 20Hz, but almost always sound lightweight and bright. Generally, bass buffs will be happier sticking with larger headphones.

Total harmonic distortion

True, headphones with lower actual total harmonic distortion (THD) will sound better than 'phones with higher THD. But the quoted THD numbers, "less than 1 percent", aren't helpful in predicting sound quality. Listen to recordings of simply recorded acoustic guitar to assess the distortion of one set of headphones vs. another. Some will sound appreciably cleaner than others.


Generally speaking, the lower the headphones' electrical impedance (aka resistance), the easier it is to get higher volume. But here again, the low impedance is no guarantee of high volume capability; other factors can still limit loudness potential. Since many MP3 players have feeble power output, the iPod is a notable exception, smart shoppers should check the loudness before purchasing any pair of headphones. To be sure, listen with your player.


Rabu, 02 Juli 2008

q2612a cartridge buyer's guide

Q2612a cartridge sellers often provide both original HP branded cartridges as well as the cheaper compatible or remanufactured alternatives. This is often a source of some difficulty for buyers when they are looking for the best deal on a replacement for their q2612a cartridge as it is often hard to tell a good and reliable supplier from a bad one. There are a few different considerations and trade offs, ranging from paying over the odds for an original HP branded cartridge to buying a cheap refill with half the amount of toner that should be contained within the cartridge. I’ll try and run through some of the main points and considerations that you’ll encounter and hopefully this will make your shopping

experience a lot easier, safer and it should, most importantly, save you money on your q2612a cartridge. So, your printer cartridge has run out (usually at the moment inconvenient moment, when you’ve got to get an essay in or have to file your tax return) – you need a new cartridge ASAP and there are five main considerations when buying a new cartridge, the main ones are:
# Do I buy an original q2612a cartridge or a compatible?
# What about a refilled or remanufactured cartridge, and while we are on the subject, what’s the difference?
# Who are the cheapest companies?
# Does low price mean poor service?
# Does the price include vat and delivery?

Ok, we’ll take these questions one by one and see if we can shed some light on them.So, you need a new q2612a cartridge and the first question is whether to go for an original or OEM (this stands for original equipment manufacturer) or a compatible/remanufactured refilled cartridge. First things first, what’s the difference? Well, OEM are made by HP themselves, HP manufacture the cartridge shell from scratch – they are the only ones that are legally allowed to do this as they own the patent for the q2612a cartridge shape or shell. Compatible cartridges are usually made in the Far East and are unlicensed copies which have been made from scratch. Remanufactured cartridges are made by third parties but reuse only the outer shell of the q2612a cartridge (which they cannot make themselves due to the patent as discussed above). These are usually quite reliable but it depends on the company that is making them. If they are done by a big company they should be ok, but if they are done in someone’s garden shed then they MAY not be as good. It’s like anything else, it just depends and it pays to try a few brands until you find a good one. Finally there are refills, which means that someone has either drilled a hole (in the worst case scenario) or removed the plugs (best case) and simply added more toner. These are generally the ones that give the non original q2612a cartridge a bad name as they have not had the parts such as wiper, roller etc replaced as a remanufactured cartridge would have.
So really, it’s a choice between the original and compatible/remanufactured q2612a cartridge – I wouldn’t touch a refill with a barge pole to be honest. If you want to go for an original, then shop around: There can be a massive difference in price, ranging from under £50 with free delivery from q2612a cartridge right up to £80.45 at nine-nine-nine ink website. That’s thirty quid difference for the same product, that’s not one compatible and one original, they are both original cartridges!!! So if you can get good service and a good price like that then you’ve saved money and bought a quality guaranteed original branded q2612a cartridge....and all with good service as well.


Senin, 30 Juni 2008

Computer Peripherals

Computer Peripherals are the external devices which act as a periphery adding a host of functions
which depend upon the computer to be carried out. Some of the common peripheral devices are printers, scanners, disk drives, tape drives, microphones, speakers and cameras. These computer peripherals can be broadly classified into storage, input and output devices. These include peripherals like pen drives, DVD players, CDs, DVD – R drives, keyboards, mouse, USB mouse, speakers, gaming keyboard, projectors, USB Flash Drive, Wireless Mouse, Web Cameras, pc monitors, TV Tuner cards and so on

All these computer peripherals enhance the capacity and work of a computer. When joined with main computer, these peripherals increase the work manifold. For example printers and scanners when included in the computer, reduce the time work for taking out the print outs or scanning the pages. Similarly, a pen drive can carry huge amount of data from one place to another saving the bulk to be carried. Similarly are the other computer products. Computer peripherals are mostly found in large electronics market locate in each major city of India. One can easily purchase these from this market where you will find a variety of computer peripherals being sold at various prices. But in such markets, it is very difficult to differentiate between a real product and a artificial one. One has to by his guts and knowledge. Some of the computer peripherals are very costly, so in this case, it is better buy them from a branded showroom than to buy from an open market. On the other hand, it is advisable that you buy such peripherals from online shopping sites like Home Shop 18, where not only the prices are low than the MRP but also the products are genuine. You can shop for them online, order the products for home delivery and once the product reaches your hands, you can pay for them. Good enough for things like Computer Peripherals which do not require to be seen before the purchase. As these are branded products coming from the company itself, one can think of buying them from a online shopping store. Try one of the leading online shopping stores and see the benefits attached with it… Authors suggest to you purchase best computer peripherals like printers, desktop, pen drive, laptops, headphones, webcams, hard disk drives, keyboards, mouse and many more.

Kamis, 26 Juni 2008

Increasing The Potential Of Unattainable Target

Special purpose computer system designed to perform one or a few dedicated tasks rather then general purpose computer
for multipurpose task is termed as Embedded System. Becoming more and more important nowadays, embedded system technology could be easily seen in Industrial motherboards, rackmount system.

These systems are mostly used in all type of communication
computing, display and any other electronic device that we can think of. Spanning across all aspects of modern life consisting of communication, science, education and entertainment, embedded system are dedicated to specific tasks. Embedded designer always work to optimize the system reducing the size and cost of the product, and increasing the reliability and performance.

Embedded systems range from portable devices such as digital watches and music players to large device and machineries consists of factory controllers and giant display boards that we see on airports.

Embedded system are seen in most of the electronic items such as gaming consoles, digital cameras, DVD players, personal digital assistants (PDAs), music players etc. Thousand of appliances like microwave ovens, washing machines and dishwashers etc. use embedded system technology to provide efficiency and ease of use.

Dedicated to one task - to full user interfaces similar to desktop operating systems, Embedded system, industrial computer and industrial monitor are the fine example of modern electronic devices that you must be familiar with. These systems comprises of rich graphic displays that guide you or let you choose various options to control the operation of the device.

Among the most demanded computer system across the globe, Embedded computer systems not only reduces the extra cost but also assists in making your embedded ideas into a reality. User enhances their organization growth with the rapid development in the computer technology with the help of embedded system.

Providing an appropriate answer, Embedded Systems can increase the potential of the unattainable targets or objectives. Above all these embedded computer systems acknowledges the processor, chipset and other components problems and provides an appropriate answer.

Giving a modular platform, Embedded computers provides a platform to your thermal density and size constrained applications. The reliable embedded computer systems, needs to configure before usage and so that their benefits can easily be availed.

Embedded system is the key answer for all types of organization needs. The system is easily manageable with user friendly application which is easy to operate. The system is developed considering various networking environments. Specifically engineered for easing and organizing business requirements thoroughly, embedded system is the need to today.


Senin, 16 Juni 2008

How to Clean a Laptop Properly


This is very important make sure that the cleaning solution does not contain any Ammonia as this may damage your screen and

So be sure to check the ingredients if you are using any household product like a glass cleaner. You will find most Computer shops stock specialised cleaners. Most of these cleaners are made up of approximately 50% distilled water and 50% rubbing alcohol or isopropyl so you could make the solution up yourself.

Before starting any cleaning ensure it is turned off and unplugged for obvious reasons. If the laptop has excessive dust/dirt then give it a quick blast with the compressed air, do not shake the can of compressed air. Use you small brush or cotton bud to clean the larger particles between the keys. Just to dislodge them and then use the compressed air once again. Next use a damp cloth for the surface dirt on the keys and panel. Any ports or buttons maybe cleaned using the brush or cotton buds then use the compressed air to remove the remaining dirt. If you would like to clean the fan on your laptop, some fans cannot be seen, use the cotton bud to hold the fan steady as you clean and use the compressed air. The reason for this is because the power of the air may make the fan spin faster than it was designed to, it could cause permanent damage. If your laptop has a floppy drive, CD ROM/DVD ROM drive or card port then open then up and use the compressed air to clean them out. Be careful not to touch the lens within the CD/DVD as this could damage it. When cleaning the screen apply the cleaning fluid to the cloth and not directly on to the screen itself. Use slow smooth continuous motion to avoid leaving streaks. Use as much of your hand as you can while cleaning the screen as small pointed objects even your fingers can damage it. The case is cleaned the same as the screen and when completed you will have a laptop that looks as good as new.

If you are experiencing problems reading from your CD's or DVD's then you should purchase a CD/DVD cleaning disk. These can be obtained from most Electrical and Computer stores.

I have heard of people using a plastic card like a credit card wrapped in a cloth to clean between the keys.


Do not use any solutions that contain Ammonia as it could damage the laptop.

Do not shake the can of compressed air. The can has liquid within it and this will create a vapour that is not good for your laptop. So keep the can upright when spraying. Make short bursts (1 second) in the area you wish to clean. Do this 2 or 3 times and rest the can for at least 20 seconds to allow the liquid to settle and then repeat if necessary.

Take a look at this web site: http://computerbass.com/cleanlap


Selasa, 10 Juni 2008

Understanding How Drivers Work

Every computer has a number of peripherals and hardware components that give it the natural functionality we have come to expect. This includes a mouse, keyboard, modem, printer and motherboard, among other components. If these devices are not able to communicate with the underlying operating system, they will not function properly. Thankfully, device drivers are what enable this clear communication. For example, if you purchase a new piece of hardware, it comes included with an installation CD which contains a device driver that allows the hardware to “talk” with your computer. Why Device Drivers are Important Device drivers are small codes and files that form a bridge of communication between the hardware and operating system installed on a computer. For the most part, every piece of hardware you install requires a device driver so the system can see it and handle it accordingly. Windows operating systems usually come integrated with numerous device drivers that instantly recognize common desktop hardware components and provide immediate functionality for the end-user. The Types of Device Drivers There are many types of device drivers, some of which are specific to certain machines. For example, device drivers for laptop computers are proprietary and installed by the manufacturer upon being designed. A desktop is typically the exact opposite. If the hard drive on a laptop is reformatted or deleted for any reason, all the original drivers will remain intact. With a desktop computer, you are generally required to visit the websites of each individual manufacturer, download and reinstall the drivers along with another operating system. When Good Drivers Go Bad There may be instances when device drivers do not function as intended or have conflicts with other computers. You will find that manufacturers make improvements to device drivers similar to how software developers upgrade programs. In some cases, such upgrades can make older drivers obsolete. Likewise, an updated driver can heal a wide range of bugs and behavior problems endured by a particular device. For example, if your printer isn’t functioning properly, fixing the issue is often as simple as checking the manufacturer’s website and downloading the corresponding driver. How Device Driver Updates Work Device drivers download like any other program and typically act as self-installing files. Most of them download as exe. or executable files. In most cases, you simply need to click on the file and the installation program is launched. The program will usually scan the system first to ensure that the driver corresponds to the installed hardware component. A device driver can often be installed in a matter of seconds, but normally requires a system reboot in order to function properly with the corresponding hardware. The easiest way to check the status of device drivers on a Windows operating system is to access the Device Manager utility. Simply right-click the “My Computer” icon, select “Properties,” click on the “Hardware” tab, and then choose “Device Manager.” Once you are in the Device Manager window, highlight the hardware device you want to investigate and right-click it. In the new window, select “Properties” and click on the “Driver” tab. From here, you can view the name of the driver, the version number, as well as perform the necessary updates

Jumat, 06 Juni 2008


Okay, so we have all heard and used the term in our daily lives. However, have you ever wondered what on earth UPS that sounds like a scarier, technical term actually mean? Well, a UPS essentially means Uninterrupted Power Supply and is the power back up used to keep your devices running in case of sudden power cuts. However, it is not just that. A UPS is an extremely useful device that is placed between the power supply plug and your computer to safeguard it from any sudden negative features of the power source.

The Uses of UPS

There are a number of power related problems that a UPS solves or tackles. It not just provides a power back up to your system in cases of power failure but also protects it from sudden voltage fluctuations, under or over voltage situations that sustain for a long time and causes over heating of various kinds, frequency variations and other such power related harmful behavior.

Some of the more advanced UPS also provide features like automatically shutting down system in case of longer periods of erratic power behavior and later restarting it when the conditions are normal, displaying the voltage or current that the equipment is drawing, ringing alarms on certain conditions and providing protection from short circuit.

In addition to the kind of protection that a UPS provides or in other words, its functions, it is also good to know where all a UPS unit is installed. For most of us, a UPS is directly associated with our computers. However, other than computers, a UPS unit is also used to protect data centers, telecommunication equipments or any other electrical equipment which has danger from uneven power supply features.

The right size of UPS

Which is the right size of UPS that you should go for is directly associated with the size of your equipment. UPS are available in watt categories ranging from units powerful enough only to sustain a single computer to megawatt units capable of backing up entire buildings or data centers. For how long your UPS will sustain your equipment in case of a power cut depends on the size of the unit.

Different UPS Technologies

There are three types of power back up devices which are generally referred to as types of UPS-the SPS, the Hybrid UPS and the real UPS. The SPS (Standby Power Supply) or offline UPS derives power from the main power switch and in case of a power cut runs on its batteries, the Hybrid UPS use a transformer that maintains a constant voltage output while the real UPS continuously operate from an inverter.

Depending on your needs or the kind of equipment in question you can choose your UPS. The Internet can be a useful tool in getting you closer to the UPS that suits you the best. You can do a comprehensive study of what is available online and then even order it through any e-shopping portal. These portals not only provide a detailed description of the features of the product but also sell them at some very good deals and interesting offers.

Senin, 02 Juni 2008

Speed Up Your Laptop

Your pc is running slow again? Well, there are few steps you can take in order to speed up your laptop, but, there's another method which doesn't require you to be technical or try to fix your System by yourself. Keep reading the following quick article and quickly find out how to effectively skyrocket your computer's performance.

If your pc keeps freezing or maybe you probably experience weird error messages, runtime errors, and other familiar pc problems - in most cases it is probably something that has to do with your Win registry system. By time, when you download and install different programs onto your windows, it happens that some of your programs aren't installed or uninstalled correctly, while damaging your registry settings.

Just for your general knowledge the registry is a Windows database - it keeps info about your different hardware & software components. Your system uses this info as you run each of your hardware or software. Now you probably figure out how sensitive your system is.

If you need to speed up your laptop you should maintain your registry intact - problematic win-registry can cause your System serious malfunctions that in many cases stop or even freeze applications and unfortunately your entire windows.

As you probably already understand the registry is quite complex, it is highly recommended not to try and fix it manually unless you know how to handle it properly - it can cause you even more problems. The most effective way to speed up your laptop is to install a recommended registry fix software and let it scan, identify, and repair any registry problem automatically. This cleaning process can easily repair your Computer's performance issues and preserve your Computer's performance on the best side. The most popular utilities suggest time based auto-fix tasks and automated application updates, so it easily enables you to keep your operating system optimized year-round.

Sabtu, 24 Mei 2008

Data Recovery Articles

How sad it is to lose data and you do not know what to do to restore it. With our data recovery articles, you can take a quick look at the data recovery solutions available to you. Learn how to recover lost data, lost file recovery and restoration.

Know more about what hard disk recovery needs and why free disk space is required while using some recovery tools. Read on and be introduced to service area emulation technology. After all, your precious data have to be recovered at all cost – but without spending much.

Fixmbr – command used for Partition Recovery

MBR (Master Boot Record) corruption can be cured by fixmbr command in Windows XP and Windows 2000. This command rewrites the entire code of MBR. MBR is a small code located at the first sector of hard drive and runs every time, when the system starts booting up.

Hence the corruption of MBR makes system unbootable that can be repaired using fixmbr command. This command needs device name if MBR repair is required for device other than boot device. It is applicable for x86 based computer systems. But the incorrect use of this command can corrupt Partition Table that ultimately requires Partition Recovery solution.

Partition Table holds the information about disk partition, partition size and location. Each partition records 16-bytes in the table.

The use of command can make all the partitions inaccessible for the user and cause data loss in following situations:

1. When system is facing some hardware issues.

2. When hard disk is virus infected.

Therefore it is sggested to follow up few recommendations before using the command:

1. We need to use a suitable antivirus program that can scan and remove any virus present on disk. The antivirus program used must be updated one.

2. All the connected hardware must be checked before using the command.

3. All data must be backed up. Data backup should be checked for status and media integrity. It will be more beneficial to check if data backup copy contains all the files and information required.

If a user commits mistake of using fixmbr on virus infected or hardware issues facing drive with no valid backup then the only solution is to go for Partition Recovery Software. The partition recovery software availed by Stellar Information Systems offers interactive interface, safe scanning algorithms, secure data restoration and quality features to recover lost data.

This is known to recover lost data from missing, los r damaged partitions. Users can simply scan the affected drive through some other drive where the application has been installed. It is recommended to not to install the application on affected drive, so as to prevent overwriting.

Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery uses the most efficient scanning algorithms to recover partitions. The product is best for partition recovery for FAT16, FAT32, VFAT, NTFS and NTFS based disks. It supports various advanced features. It has an interactive interface. This Partition Recovery Software can be used with Windows Vista, Server 2003, XP and 2000.

Jumat, 23 Mei 2008

CD Duplication service – for smart data protection service

Even though the dream of a paperless world is still far from becoming a complete reality, much of our operations have already made a successful transition to the digital format. Let’s face it, no matter what the skeptics might say, this is the digital era. Gone are the days of piles and piles of paper and heaps upon heaps of bulky files cluttering the desk, shelves and every available bit of office-space.

Modern day offices have managed to reduce the clutter and keep things tidy by opting to store all of their data in a convenient digital format. Simply put, the modern day office data can no longer be found buried under mountains of unyielding files accumulating dust on rickety office shelves, but rather neatly organized in the bits and bytes of super-fast hard disk drives, nestled snugly in powerful office computers. Modern day offices today are storing huge amounts of data in a deceptively small number of CDs and DVDs, and enjoying a whole new degree of convenience.

However, there is a small problem. While electronic storage has no doubt reduced clutter, lowered costs and facilitated data storage substantially, it still remains susceptible to the occasional hazards every now and then, especially in the form of hard disk crashes, data corruption or simply, accidental deletion. And this is where CD duplication services can come as a veritable godsend.

In recent years, the cost of digital storage media such as CD-Rs, CD-RWs, DVD-Rs, DVD-RWs, etc. has gone down tremendously. To add to the convenience, powerful processors and improved recorders have also made CD duplication faster than ever. So, even after taking a backup on CDs, consider CD duplication as an additional safety measure. It can save you from spending sleepless nights if the original CDs get scratched, damaged or missing somehow. CD duplication can be done on a large commercial level, such as the professional reproduction of commercially produced CDs, and also on a more personal level, such as taking backups of your original CDs. No matter how you look at it, CD reproduction is an essential process in today’s world.

Selasa, 20 Mei 2008

Brother Ink Cartridge: Quality Printing at Affordable Price

Brother International Corporation is a company of good repute and the name is synonymous with success in developing and marketing of novelty and for the production of a wide variety of office equipments, printers, inkjet and toner cartridges, fax machines and electronic stationery and supplies. For over 50 years in the industry, Brother has earned a respectable name in the printing industry for its range of high quality inkjet printers including Brother Ink cartridges. Their mission is to deal with high quality products and cater to the needs of the customers. Brother, an established name with its wide selection of inkjet cartridges keeps the printers operating at peak performance.

Brother Ink cartridges are available for different variety of inkjet printers and they are of the finest quality providing the best printing value. With these cartridges, you can print bulk pages and yet not worry. The superior quality of prints and increased life expectancy has made them popular among large offices and corporate affairs. Their toner and ink cartridges are ISO 9001 certified and strive to offer you the lowest price in the market. There are myriad sources of buying Brother Ink cartridges and most major office supply stores carry a good stock of them. Even online sources offer quality Brother Ink cartridges and so it is usually not a problem to find genuine cartridges.

Brother, a reputed brand in the market, with their innovative designs provides you a great purchase option. LC 51 ink is the best choice for small to medium sized companies. The print heads of the printer dispenses the ink and creates the image on the paper. Brother printers are fantastic inkjet printers with high quality printing capacity and longevity, the company also produces a diverse range of ink cartridges. Specific cartridges meant for specific printers ensure proper functioning and enhances the quality of printouts. Brother ink cartridges can be replaced once they run out and there are several reputable suppliers offering cheap ink cartridges for Brother Printers that can be used without having to worry about clogged print heads that reduces the life span of the printer. Easy to remanufacture, these high capacity print cartridges require a more cautious handling than the others.

Sabtu, 10 Mei 2008

Evolis Introduces the Badgy ID Card Printer

The name for this new ID card printer from Evolis may sound silly, but it really is simple enough for a kid to use. The Badgy is an entry-level printer designed for organizations that create fewer than 2,000 cards per year. It comes with a ribbon, software CD, and the first 100 cards included. For the design process, end users don't have to upload their own background images. There is a full online library with free templates available for download. The artwork ranges from business to sports applications and beyond. U.S. customers will be amused to see rugby images featured prominently while football pictures are nowhere to be found. They do, however, have several templates available for chess clubs and wine tasting events. Of course, you can switch out the picture on any of these templates if you would still like to use the rest of the design.

The Badgy Office Card software is an Excel based program. This makes it instantly compatible with any PC using the Microsoft Office Suite programs. The printer is a full color dye sublimation model. Cards printed via this method are noted for their fine, 300 dpi resolution and vibrant appearance. Monochrome thermal transfer ribbons are also available for use with this equipment. The unit does not offer edge-to-edge printing, so there will be a small blank border on each card. This is something to take into account during the artwork selection process.

Standard PVC, composite, and PET cards are all compatible with this machine. There is no need to manually adjust any settings when switching from 30 mil to 20 mil - this happens automatically when the printer senses the change in material thickness. The input feeder can hold 100 cards, but the output hopper only accepts 10. This shallow tray can be retracted into the machine to save space when not in use. At less than 6 pounds, the Badgy is one of the smallest ID printers on the market. With its red plastic body and black base, it almost resembles a ladybug. To see this tiny model in action, users can view mini video tutorials online. These cover everything from ribbon replacement to printer cleaning.

The main drawback of this newest model is that it has no encoding options beyond simple bar coding. This makes it fine for very basic applications such as membership programs. However, in an effort to get the price as low as possible, the equipment sacrifices some versatility. Fortunately, Evolis has several other printers that offer affordable solutions and more advanced technology.


This single sided printer can be used for full color and monochrome cards. A magnetic stripe encoding module is available upon request. Contact and contactless smart card programming devices can be selected as well.


The Dualys offers the same features as the Pebble and can also be upgraded to print dual sided cards. Both models also offer Ethernet connectivity to allow multiple users to access the printer via a network.

Tattoo Rewrite

For monochrome applications with magnetic stripe capability, this rewriteable printer is ideal. No ribbons are used for this printing method. Instead, each card is coated with a temperature sensitive layer that can be erased and reprinted many times.


Selasa, 06 Mei 2008

Simple Tweaks to Fix Your Computer

You must have wondered that why my computer is slow? Sometimes it becomes so frustrating to use a bogged down computer as you can’t save your work and install new software because your computer frequently gets hanged. But there are ways to prevent this, some of the reasons for a slow computer and their fixes have been stated below:

1. System Registry Errors

This is a major reason, why the computer slows down. Many folks do not have a clue about what is Windows registry and how to maintain it.

Like any other part of the computer system, registry entries in the registry are very important. These registry keys contain instructions that tell the software or hardware in your computer how to run. Over the time registry gets bigger in size and messy because computer doesn’t automatically restore the default settings after running the program. Over the time this problem gets worse thus affecting the performance of your computer.

Thus in order to solve this problem you can download registry cleaner software from the internet. This software will clean up the unwanted registry keys thus freeing up valuable space in RAM.

2. Virus

If you download files from the internet then there is possibility that your computer might be infected with a virus. This could be another factor affecting your PC performance. If you don’t have anti-virus software installed on your computer then download it from a site and install it.

In case, it’s not possible to remove the viruses from the computer then you might need to install your operating system again. Remember to back up your data prior to formatting your hard disk.

3. Insufficient RAM

Insufficient RAM could also be a reason for poor performance of your machine. If this is the key cause then upgrade the RAM on your computer.
For a computer having Windows XP operating system, any RAM lower than 512Mb is probably insufficient to present a good user experience. To check your computer RAM, right click on My Computer icon and go to properties.

4. Spyware and Adware

If you frequently surf on net then there are higher chances of your computer being infected with spyware. These spywares are meant to track your browsing activities and then send back the information to their main sites.
Spyware removal software can be used to remove Ad-ware and spyware from your computer.